Our Guarantee
Our Most Important Shipment Is Yours
Late delivery of any product can negatively impact your entire supply chain. The results can often be devastating when you consider cost. Production lines idle, diminished shelf life or worse, loss of a client are just a few examples of downside risk. The human element only adds to the unknown. Transportation is not an exact science and problems inevitably arise.
Alternatively, Service Driven Transport brings an upside by incorporating our guarantee. We may be the only industry provider to extend this assurance however, we firmly believe, if your products don’t deliver, neither does your business.
Whether You're A New Or Existing Customer
We go the extra mile.
Whether you are an existing client or we are about to earn your business, Service Driven Transport goes the extra mile. Our service guarantee doesn’t end here. As added value, we designate your single point of contact and available 24/7, provide satellite or equivalent mode of tracking with real-time status updates, excess cargo coverage, and Document imaging at your fingertips.
With Every Shipment
Safety comes first.
Safety is our first and foremost component with every shipment. Guaranteed service is considered expedited transit and requires a minimum time frame of advanced notice for planning purposes. Pickup and delivery times must coincide with equipment availability. Drivers’ may not violate legal hours of in-service operation and this service may not in anyway, jeopardize the safety of the motoring public. For more information please contact your sales representative.